January 11, 2024

10:30 - 11:30 am Pacific Time | 1:30 - 2:30 pm Eastern Time | 6:30 - 7:30 pm UK

Unpacking What It Means to Be in Self


Unpacking What It Means to Be in Self

We know from Dick Schwartz’s teachings that we (and our clients) need to be in Self for IFS work to proceed successfully. Self is not monolithic. Sometimes it may primarily involve Compassion, at other times perhaps Inner Support or Strength. I call these different aspects of Self capacities. At any particular point in an IFS session, certain Self capacities will be needed. For example, if a client is getting to know an exile who has shown them its pain, then Compassion is needed. If the client is not feeling Compassion for the exile, then they are not in Self, and the work won’t be successful. 

I have identified 10 capacities of Self for IFS sessions. I have studied how each one enhances IFS work and how it can be blocked or distorted. If your work with a client is stalled or chaotic, you can explore which of these needed capacities may be constrained in your client. Then you can help them to release the capacity so their IFS work can proceed. You can also examine whether you (the therapist) are missing a Self capacity that is needed. 

In this webinar, I will briefly discuss these capacities and how they enhance IFS work.

Geared toward therapists and coaches, but others can attend.


Feel free to enroll even if you can't make the time. You will receive a recording afterward.